Maria Rocha was born on the Island of San Miguel, Azores and left for America
with her mother, father and sister at the age of fourteen. When she arrived, she could not speak a word of English.
Today, this unas- suming housewife and mother of three children travels the world with her healing ministry. Over
a quarter of a century ago, Maria was in her home basement doing her laundry, when a thick white cloud descended upon
her. She said, I was so fright- ened, I could not move. Then a womans voice spoke these words to her, I am the Mother
of Jesus, do not be afraid because my Son is going to bless you with many gifts. She repeated the same words again
and then the cloud disappeared. Maria thought she was go- ing insane. The next day she was at her kitchen sink, and
it happened again. The cloud descended upon her and the Lady spoke the same words. One day, soon after that, Maria
said, I was in my prayer room and I felt a very strong presence of the Lord. When I opened my eyes there in front
of me was Jesus, standing right there in my room. He said, Maria, my Mother told you I have a gift for you. I would
like to give you a ministry. Would you be will- ing to serve me Maria continued, I said, Yes! Then Jesus said, I am
going to give you a healing min- istry and many other gifts of My Holy Spirit, are you willing to accept this Maria
said, Yes! Yes, Lord. Then Jesus said, You pray for healing and I will do the rest. Within a few months Maria
noticed that her heart had been totally healed of a condition she had since child- hood. Since that fateful day
when Maria saw the Lord, she has traveled throughout the world praying for healing and God has answered her prayers.
Maria has never taken a salary from her ministry. To maintain her min- istry, she relies on the love offerings from
the people she serves with the permission of her Bishop, the Roman Catholic Bishop of Providence, Rhode Island
and the Bishop of Orlando, Florida.
Maria has been an Apostolate of Prayer and Healing for over 25 years in
the New England area, Florida, Puerto Rico, California, Canada, South Dakota, The Azores, New York and Israel.